Autism and Psychological Evaluation Clinic
of Southern Oregon
Jeffrey P. Fry, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist
1611 E. Barnett Road, Medford OR 97504
Now Located in Lazy Creek Professional Condos
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My Services
- Autism Spectrum Disorder with Comprehensive Differential Diagnosis
- Psychological/Neuropsychological
- Clinical/Mental Health
- Psychoeducational
My evaluation procedures and treatment recommendations are based on current, state of the art techniques in the field of psychology and evidenced-based practice. Evaluation results can be used to apply for ABA therapy, developmental disability services, social security disability, Individual Education Program (IEP), Section 504 Plan, College Accommodations, and other services.
I provide psychological consultation to individual patients, schools, clinics, and other organizations seeking help with treatment planning, assessment approaches, other mental health concerns.
I offer training to professionals, schools, and other organizations in specific assessments, behavioral interventions, and mental health-related topics, especially issues related to neurodevelopemental disorders (e.g., Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, Intellectual Disability,Dyslexia, Etc.).
I work with families and agencies to advocate for children and adults with disabilities and behavioral health needs. This includes services such as reviewing educational plans (e.g., IEP, 504), evaluation reports, and other school-related records to help determine the appropriateness of current services, writing letters of support with recommendations,, disability rights education, and providing various types of handouts and other resources.
(Not Offered at this time)
Consulting on mental health-related concerns
Treatment Planning
Professional Workshops
Career/Vocational/Post-secondary Education Planning
IEP/school evaluation report review
Letter of support with recommendations